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Lere Paimo Biography, Age ,Net Worth, Wiki, Real Name, Children, Instagram, Parents, partner

PostedBy: in biographyMarch 16th, 2024

Lere Paimo OFR, a renowned figure in Nigerian cinema, has left an indelible mark on the industry with his remarkable talent and dedication. Born on November 19, 1939, in Ogbomosho, Oyo State, Nigeria, his journey from humble beginnings to becoming a celebrated actor and filmmaker is truly inspiring.

Lere Paimo Early Life and Education:

Growing up in a family rooted in agriculture, Lere Paimo’s childhood was shaped by the values of hard work and perseverance. He began his education in Ogbomosho and later pursued further studies in the Gold Coast (now Ghana), obtaining a Teacher’s Grade Two certificate.

Returning to Nigeria, he embarked on a career as a classroom teacher in Osogbo, where his passion for acting began to blossom.

Lere Paimo Career:

Lere Paimo’s foray into acting commenced in 1958 with the Oyin Adejobi theatre group, marking the beginning of a journey filled with remarkable performances. His breakthrough came in 1963 with the lead role in the iconic Yoruba film “Ogbori Elemosho,” propelling him to fame.

Over the years, he has been involved in numerous film productions, showcasing his versatility as an actor and director. His contributions to the Nigerian film industry have earned him widespread acclaim, culminating in prestigious awards and recognition.

Lere Paimo Personal Life:

Despite his professional success, Lere Paimo treasures his family above all else. He has been happily married for many years and is blessed with children and grandchildren.

Lere Paimo Net Worth:

With a career spanning decades in television and film, Lere Paimo’s estimated net worth stands at an impressive $1,000,000, a testament to his talent and hard work.

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Lere Paimo’s journey from a small town in Oyo State to the pinnacle of Nollywood is a testament to the power of passion, perseverance, and dedication. His legacy continues to inspire aspiring actors and filmmakers, leaving an indelible imprint on Nigerian cinema for generations to come.

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